POST 4: A meal or food you really like.

 I don't have a favorite food or dish, I like various foods such as mixed enzaladas (always with olive oil) lettuce, tomato, cabbage, cucumber, celery, etc. many flavor combinations can be made.

I don't like meat, I hardly eat meat, the protein that I consume the most is chicken, it can be made in different ways, I also like junk food but I don't usually eat often.

I like french fries, pizza, and hamburgers.

I usually eat a lot of spicy, everything that I eat spicy, I love it!

I don't eat a lot of fruits, I don't like them, but I make natural fruit juices and homemade ice creams, which make up for the fruit that I don't eat naturally.

I don't like sweets or chocolates since I was a little girl, I don't like them, that's weird

I feel like my diet is good, so far I haven't had a problem eating so I guess I'm fine.


Thank you for reading


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