English 4, post 3 "career related"


Hi!, I am going to write about a topic that I saw in class that I found curious and interesting.

Last year in the course of neuroendocrine regulation something that the teacher said in class caught my attention, when a baby is in gestation in the first 3 months the brain develops. The baby's body secretes a type of hormone (I can't remember the name), these hormones reach the brain, they cross the blood-brain barrier, when this hormone is already in the brain it gives a signal to start transcription and translation. of a specific gene that will determine whether the baby will develop a male brain or a female brain, if the hormone never reaches the brain, the baby will develop a female brain. This is not a random process because by the time the parents' gametes come together, the sex of the baby is already determined.

I still have many doubts on the subject, such as, for example, how is a male or female brain different, structurally, functionally, both? I've always thought they were the same but biologically they differ a bit. I still have a lot more to learn and then be able to do more research on the subject.

tranks for readind


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